Executive assault 2 assembly plant
Executive assault 2 assembly plant

Executive assault 2 assembly plant upgrade#

You also cannot upgrade those turrets to dual or quad turrets. It comes with the weapons you built it with and that's it. You CANNOT upgrade the turrets on a Mining/Research/Defense Outpost after it has already been built. ( I just leave a bot in that room by the panel)Ĥ. So early game when things are being built and you're just waiting around doing nothing, send a bot down and start manufacturing at least 1 or 2 goods so traders will visit. I cant verify this 100% but I noticed if I dont manufacture any good then no traders come so i'm pretty sure. I dont believe traders will come visit you unless you have goods available. And yes you can put them on troop transports and send them into the enemy baseģ. To get these you have to buy them from the trader and then head down to the assembly plant and build them ( you have to research the assembly plant first). Thse are basically walker mechs which have way more health then a normal bot. While trading with traders you might notice you can buy Mechanoids. Which I think is a really really nice touch.Ģ. I also found that once you have this researched, building a troop transport wil come with a spider bot. So if you manage to get the spider into the enemy base then you can just teleport bots directly into there base.

executive assault 2 assembly plant

This bot act as a mobile teleporter beacon that you can teleport things to.

executive assault 2 assembly plant

If i'm wrong about anything feel free to call me out on it.ġ.If you build a tele-port it comes with a little spider bot. Just wanted to share some of the more random things that some people might not know.

Executive assault 2 assembly plant